Database of companies (

The database of companies ( is a service that combines fulltext searches, subject categories and regions for searching through the largest database of companies on the Czech internet. The modern layout and easy navigation represent an intuitive interface to achieve the best results. represents the quickest and most effective method for an advertiser or user to find a company on the internet. 

  •   More than 500,000 updated company registrations
  •   More than 3,600 subject categories
  •   Average daily visit rate exceeds 270,000 unique visitors. 
Average daily visit rate (RU): *181,366
Number of displayed pages per month (PV):41,433,560
Average time spent by the user on the server (ATS): **                                                         00:18:57
Gender breakdown: ***51% men, 49% women

* Average from all workdays in the monitored month

** Expresses the time the user spent during the entire monitored month

*** Average allocation of the population from all full weeks in the monitored month

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