New and used car Advertisements (

There’s no need to leave home to search for second-hand or new cars. lists the current offer of cars from most dealers in the Czech Republic. Finding a vehicle according to your needs and preferences is quick and trouble-free. provides the necessary information about each vehicle and all ads include photos. You can decide whether to contact a dealer through our contact form or travel to see the car yourself. At, you can find passenger and off-road vehicles, commercial cars and trucks, working machines, trailers, semi-trailers, campers and buses. 

Average daily visit rate (RU): *                                                                                      61,705
Number of displayed pages per month (PV):60,324,927
Average time spent by the user on the server (ATS): **01:40:48
Gender breakdown: ***64% men, 35% women

* Average from all workdays in the monitored month

** Expresses the time the user spent during the entire monitored month

*** Average allocation of the population from all full weeks in the monitored month

Contact us today for more information or a free initial consultation at +420 725 953 395, or Skype: southfork.villa