News ( has been the most frequently visited news server in the Czech Republic for several years. It covers the entire reporting spectrum and also includes magazine columns. It allows its readers to meaningfully discuss the articles (thanks to comments registration) and it was the first server that involved its readers in the formation of the reporting content (the column “Your News from the Regions”). The server is visited by almost 3.8 million real users every month who generate about 275 million displayed pages and about 18 million played videos. 

Average daily visit rate (RU): *1,103,747
Number of displayed pages per month (PV):                                                                          298,928,716
Average time spent by the user on the server (ATS): **02:21:22
Gender breakdown: ***56% men, 45% women

* Average from all workdays in the monitored month

** Expresses the time the user spent during the entire monitored month

*** Average allocation of the population from all full weeks in the monitored month

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